- Academic Writing (19)
- Annotation (6)
- Canvas Discussion (1)
- Color Code (1)
- Compose Sentences (4)
- Dictionary (1)
- English Writing (20)
- Essay Writing Technique (19)
- EWRT1AS (31)
- Grading (6)
- Grammar (5)
- Paraphrasing (1)
- PIE essay (4)
- Reading (15)
- Reading and Grammar (2)
- Reading Article and News (2)
- Reading News and Practice (1)
- Sandra Cisneros Salvador late or early (1)
- Speaking (1)
- syllabus (1)
- Synonysm (1)
- The Interconnection Between Health and Happiness (1)
- The Most Essential Part of Happiness that People Should Attain in Life (1)
- Vargas (1)
- vocabulary (6)
- Welcome notes (1)
Friday, June 24, 2022
Sandra Cisneros Salvador late or early
Wednesday, June 22, 2022
synonyms for interrelate
- convolute
- impede
- involve
- muddle
- obscure
- perplex
- upset
- bedevil
- clog
- combine
- confound
- derange
- disarrange
- disorder
- elaborate
- embroil
- entangle
- fold
- handicap
- interweave
- jumble
- multiply
- ravel
- snafu
- snag
- tangle
- twist
- add fuel to fire
- foul up
- infold
- interfuse
- make intricate
- make waves
- mix up
- muck up
- open can of worms
- render unintelligible
- screw up
- snarl u
Monday, June 20, 2022
Healthiness leads to happiness as happiness and health are thought to be interrelated
and linked. Happy people tend to be healthier and have longer life spans as their healthiness
fuels their happiness and their happy life again raises their mental and physical health. This
relation effect might be the secret behind the longevity of inhabitants of Ikaria mentioned in
“Welcome to the Island Where People Forget to Die” by Dan Buettner. A nonagenarian of
Ikaria adds, "We just forget to die.” (Line 136) as they are so pleased with their life. In the
article, “Six Ways Happiness is Good for Your Health”, author Kira Newman believes, “that
the people who were more satisfied with life at the beginning were less likely to die.” (Line
202). The life force of many nonagenarians was extended by their contentment. The happier
you are the healthier you become and this in turn makes you happier. Moreover, studies had
shown some healthy activities such as walking might be the secret link between the
interrelation between health and happiness. In the article, “How to Be Happy”, author Tara
Parker-Pope claims “more activity goes hand-in-hand with better health and greater
happiness.” (Paragraph 17). The more activities you do, the healthier you become and hence
the happier you are. Moreover, in the article, “11 Little Mental Health Tips That Therapists
Actually Give Their Patients”, author Korin Miller adds, “getting regular exercise is
important for mental health, but even just taking regular, relaxing walks can be soothing for
your mind. Plus, it may literally force you to take a breather when you need one “(paragraph
9). Walking allows people to clear their stressful minds and at the same time allows them to take a
breath of nature for healthy lungs. Exercising not only enhances our physical fitness but
also boosts our mental well-being.
The emotion of happiness is a universal emotion that everyone
experiences at least once in their lifetime. We all have the
acknowledgment of happiness and the feeling of it. Most people see
happiness as a temporary sensation, a reward, an emotion that isn’t
easily achievable. It’s something we all pursue since it brings peace
and tranquility as well as many health benefits. We all try to achieve a
type of happiness throughout the day. Despite the fact that we all
share a similar feeling of happiness, we may not all experience it in
the same way. At times the most unfortunate get this shot of dopamine
with the smallest gesture such as a greeting or helping hand. They feel
the same emotion as someone who might be happy with a simple hug. Ross
Gay also discovered how happiness can come from peculiar actions or
events such as boarding a plane with a tomato plant. There have been
studies for many years in order to determine what flicks that emotion.
The discoveries have been that the smallest things such as walking and
exercising could trigger that emotion. These types of triggers are also
helpful ways to get healthy, which studies have also shown cause that
emotion. There have been many countries that have taken these findings
into their lifestyle and have created a happy and healthy environment to
live in.
The Interconnection Between Health and Happiness
Health and happiness are deeply connected. Healthy people tend to be happier, and happy people often live longer. This connection creates a...