Saturday, March 26, 2022

vocabulary Plan


Vocabulary Plan

Improving Vocabulary

One of the best ways to improve our vocabulary, as most of us know, is by reading, reading anything, really--novels, short stories, poems, articles.  We are exposed to new words while we read and can begin to understand them by looking at the context provided.  The next step is to look them up, getting a fuller definition.  Then, we can use the words, including them in our writing not only in the word form we originally learned but in different word forms as well. 

During the quarter, you will need to include at least THREE words new to you in each essay assignment.  Please underline or mark in some way.  You can gather these from our texts or other sources.

We will be keeping a vocabulary list in our binders, where you write down words you’d like to know more fully and the different word forms they come in.  We’ll spend some class time doing this, but the rest will be completed outside of class.  While annotating, circle these words to come back to.  Obviously, the more words you gather and define, the more you’ll learn, and the more you’ll have to pull from for the writing assignments.


YOUR VOCABULARY SECTION WILL LOOK SOMETHING LIKE THIS (You can gather words anywhere--our texts, ones from your other classes, etc.  Try to pick words that will serve you well in life and all your classes, so one that aren't too specific to a certain field.):


WORD                      WORD FORM                                            DEFINITION

Propulsive                              adj.                              having the power to propel or push forward

Propulsively                            adv.

Propel                                     verb



            On Tuesday, January 20, 2009, Inauguration Day for our 44th President, Barack Obama, millions celebrated, turning Washington DC and cities across the US into propulsive places whose energy and hope could not be denied.  Aretha Franklin’s rendition of “America” created a palpable wave of emotion that lead to Poet, Elizabeth Alexander, who was commissioned to write and recite an occasional poem, a genre that began to honor leaders and commemorate ceremonies.  Obama seems to be bringing poetry back to the public through Alexander, who as a 1-year-old was carried to see Dr. King's "I Have a Dream" speech almost in the very same place.  Once Obama was sworn in and officially announced as President Obama, the crowd’s fervent cries rang out and he began his commencement speech.  He said a lot, thanking our progenitors, acknowledging the gravity of our economic situation, promising to work with nations in need, pointing out environmentally responsible energy alternatives, recognizing the hard work of Americans, ultimately calling upon us to endure with “hope and virtue.”



EWRT essay due date


Units + Essay Due Dates


Due Dates for Essay Assignments

Essay #1: The Narrative 

Week 3, Friday, January 21
Essay #2:  Happiness (in-class) Week 6, Wed/Thur, February 9 or 10
Essay #3:  Responding to the Memoir: Dear America: Notes of an Undocumented Citizen, by Jose Antonio Vargas.
Week 10, Monday, March 7
Essay #4:  The Reflective Essay (part of final) Week 11, Tuesday, March 15
Essay #5:  The Revision of #2  (part of final)Week 12, Tuesday, March 22

Reflective Essay Rubic

Reflective Essay

  • You should have 6-7 paragraphs.
  • You can use your graphic organizer. 

Use the following to help prepare:


Reflective Essay - Winter 21
Reflective Essay - Winter 21
Criteria Ratings Pts
Organization- Thesis
5 pts
Full Marks
The thesis statement clearly states what the essay will be about, and presents it as a claim which the writer will prove to the reader.
3.6 pts
Clear but no claim
This thesis statement clearly states what the essay will be about, but does not set out a claim which the writer will prove to the reader.
3 pts
Needs a lot of work
The thesis statement is difficult to identify, due to the way it is written, or where it appears in the essay. The reader is left guessing what the essay will be about.
0 pts
The writer did not include a thesis statement.
5 pts
Organization - Topic Sentences/Points
5 pts
The topic sentences are truly claims in which the writer takes a stance to prove in the paragraph. Paragraphs are focused, with relevant evidence.
3.75 pts
Mixed - Some Claims, Some Statements
Some of the points in the essay do make claims that the writer proves in the paragraph. Other paragraphs state a clear statement of fact that focuses the paragraph, but not a claim to be proven.
3.5 pts
Clear focus but no claim
The topic sentences clearly indicate what the paragraph will be about, and the paragraph does not wander off topic. However, the topic sentence does not take a stance or make a claim, to be supported in the body paragraph.
3 pts
Topic Sentences Not Focused
The body of the paragraph covers several topics that were not included in the topic sentence.
0 pts
Very few topic sentences
Student combines multiple parts of the paper into 1 paragraph, instead of leaving them as separate paragraphs. This means the topic sentence does not adequately preview all of the topics contained within the paragraph.
5 pts
Development - Reader, Writer, Student Skills, Online Learning, Pandemic
10 pts
The writer fully discusses all five areas, giving clear, detailed support for the claims made in the appropriate paragraphs. Reader can clearly understand what the writer is talking about because the writer has provided enough context.
7.5 pts
Needs a bit more
Most of the areas were discussed in detail; however, one area needs more information, detail, or support.
5 pts
Needs more
More than two of the five areas needs detailed support.
0 pts
No Marks
10 pts
Development - Support
7 pts
Excellent Support
The writer provides detailed, specific examples to buttress claims. The writer provides quotations where appropriate. The writer explains in clear detail any processes used to write, read, or understand the course assignments.
5.75 pts
Needs a bit more support
Overall, the writer provides detailed support, but could use more in any one area.
4.5 pts
Needs a lot more support
Support is vague, general, and lacks both specificity and detail. Reader is forced to "take the writer's word for it" due to lack of detailed support.
0 pts
No Marks
7 pts
Development - What You Learned About One Essay Topic
7 pts
Topic Covered Well
The writer includes thoughtful analysis of what has been learned about one topic through writing various essays in the course.
5.75 pts
Mostly thoughtful, but more needed for about topic
The writer provides reflection on the topic, but does not address it in as much detail or depth.
4.5 pts
More Needed
The writer provides a superficial explanation of what they learned about the topic throughout the course.
0 pts
The student did not include a paragraph about what they learned, or did not mention it at all in the essay.
7 pts
Development - What still needs improvement?
5 pts
Excellent Awareness
The writer clearly identifies and explains the areas to work on in future writing courses. In addition, the writer explains why those areas are important to improve upon.
4 pts
Pretty Good Awareness
The writer clearly identifies and explains areas to improve upon, but provides details/explanations for only some of those areas. Writer explains importance of improving, but only for some of those areas.
3.5 pts
Some Awareness
The writer identifies some areas to improve upon, but does not provide a lot of detail or explanation about those areas. Writer also does not explain why it is important to work on those aspects of writing, reading, or learning.
3 pts
Needs a lot more information
Writer briefly mentions, but only superficially. Or, the information provided is so vague that it is difficult for the reader to understand what the writer means.
0 pts
The student did not include a paragraph about what they want to work on in future writing classes.
5 pts
Sentence Construction
11 pts
Sophisticated Sentences!
The writer uses the different strategies from the course to make lengthy, developed sentences that show a clear structure and express the logical relationships between parts.
9 pts
Very Good Sentence Construction
Writer mostly has sophisticated, varied sentence structure. There are some occasional errors due to mis-applying the sentence combining strategies learned in class, so credit for trying out those new strategies!
8 pts
Needs Improvement
The writer's sentences show little variety. Sentence combining would help a lot to express logical relationships and clarify structure. However, there are few grammatical errors in the sentences.
6 pts
The writer's sentences show little variety. The writer does not demonstrate an ability to combine sentences to express logical relationships and clarify structure. There are many grammatical errors in the sentences.
0 pts
No Marks
11 pts
Total Points: 50

Pope Francis tells teens 'happiness is not an app you can download'


Pope Francis tells teens 'happiness is not an app you can download'

At Vatican’s celebration of youth, pontiff warns against pursuit of possessions and latest fashions

You can’t find happiness by downloading a smartphone app or acting like a movie star, Pope Francis has said as part of the Vatican’s weekend celebration of young people.

“Your happiness has no price. It cannot be bought. It is not an app that you can download on your phones, nor will the latest update bring you freedom and grandeur in love,” the pope told Catholic youth gathered under grey skies in St Peter’s Square on Sunday.

Speaking during mass to mark the three-day celebration for teenagers, tied to the Vatican’s jubilee year of mercy, the 79-year-old pontiff addressed a host of pressures adolescents face in the 21st century.

“Don’t believe those who would distract you from the real treasure, which you are, by telling you that life is beautiful only if you have many possessions,” Francis said.

“Be skeptical about people who want to make you believe that you are only important if you act tough, like the heroes in films, or when you wear the latest fashions.”

About 70,000 people aged 13 to 16 gathered at the Vatican to listen to the Argentinian pontiff, who also cautioned them against “simply going with the flow” and being too laid-back.

On Saturday evening Francis sent a video message to the teenagers as they gathered in Rome’s Olympic stadium, clutching a smartphone and talking about the times he was unable to reach friends. “Just remember that if Jesus is not in your life, it is as though there is no signal,” he said.

Earlier on Saturday the pope had surprised teenagers by appearing in St Peter’s Square to hear their confessions. “It was the most emotional day of my life,” Anna Taibi, a 15-year-old Sicilian scout, told La Repubblica newspaper afterwards.

Francis’s informal tone has seen him become increasingly popular among Catholic youth, and the Vatican is taking steps to ensure he is a growing presence in teenagers’ lives.

Last month he launched an Instagram account, which has already attracted 2.3 million followers, while regular updates are also posted on his nine Twitter accounts.


Six Ways Happiness Is Good for Your Health

 Six Ways Happiness Is Good for Your Health

By Kira Newman         This essay originally appeared onGreater Good, the online magazine of the Greater Good Science Center at UC Berkeley.

Over the past decade, an entire industry has sprouted up promising the secrets to happiness. There are best-selling books like The Happiness Project and The How of Happiness, and happiness programs like Happify and Tal-Ben Shahar’s Wholebeing Institute.

Here at the Greater Good Science Center, we offer an online course on “The Science of Happiness” and boast a collection of research-based happiness practices on our new website, Greater Good in Action.

But all of these books and classes raise the question: Why bother? Many of us might prefer to focus on boosting our productivity and success rather than our positive emotions. Or perhaps we’ve tried to get happier but always seem to get leveled by setbacks. Why keep trying?

Recently, a critical mass of research has provided what might be the most basic and irrefutable argument in favor of happiness: Happiness and good health go hand-in-hand. Indeed, scientific studies have been finding that happiness can make our hearts healthier, our immune systems stronger, and our lives longer.

Several of the studies cited below suggest that happiness causes better health; others suggest only that the two are correlated—perhaps good health causes happiness but not the other way around. Happiness and health may indeed be a virtuous circle, but researchers are still trying to untangle their relationship. In the meantime, if you need some extra motivation to get happier, check out these six ways that happiness has been linked to good health. 

1. Happiness protects your heart

Love and happiness may not actually originate in the heart, but they are good for it. For example, a 2005 paper found that happiness predicts lower heart rate and blood pressure. In the study, participants rated their happiness over 30 times in one day and then again three years later. The initially happiest participants had a lower heart rate on follow-up (about six beats slower per minute), and the happiest participants during the follow-up had better blood pressure.

Research has also uncovered a link between happiness and another measure of heart health: heart rate variability, which refers to the time interval between heartbeats and is associated with risk for various diseases. In a 2008 study, researchers monitored 76 patients suspected to have coronary artery disease. Was happiness linked to healthier hearts even among people who might have heart problems? It seemed so: The participants who rated themselves as happiest on the day their hearts were tested had a healthier pattern of heart rate variability on that day. 

Over time, these effects can add up to serious differences in heart health. In a 2010 study, researchers invited nearly 2,000 Canadians into the lab to talk about their anger and stress at work. Observers rated them on a scale of one to five for the extent to which they expressed positive emotions like joy, happiness, excitement, enthusiasm, and contentment. Ten years later, the researchers checked in with the participants to see how they were doing—and it turned out that the happier ones were less likely to have developed coronary heart disease. In fact, for each one-point increase in positive emotions they had expressed, their heart disease risk was 22 percent lower.

2. Happiness strengthens your immune system

Do you know a grumpy person who always seems to be getting sick? That may be no coincidence: Research is now finding a link between happiness and a stronger immune system.

In a 2003 experiment, 350 adults volunteered to get exposed to the common cold (don’t worry, they were well-compensated). Before exposure, researchers called them six times in two weeks and asked how much they had experienced nine positive emotions—such as feeling energetic, pleased, and calm—that day. After five days in quarantine, the participants with the most positive emotions were less likely to have developed a cold.

Some of the same researchers wanted to investigate why happier people might be less susceptible to sickness, so in a 2006 study they gave 81 graduate students the hepatitis B vaccine. After receiving the first two doses, participants rated themselves on those same nine positive emotions. The ones who were high in positive emotion were nearly twice as likely to have a high antibody response to the vaccine—a sign of a robust immune system. Instead of merely affecting symptoms, happiness seemed to be literally working on a cellular level.

A much earlier experiment found that immune system activity in the same individual goes up and down depending on their happiness. For two months, 30 male dental students took pills containing a harmless blood protein from rabbits, which causes an immune response in humans. They also rated whether they had experienced various positive moods that day. On days when they were happier, participants had a better immune response, as measured by the presence of an antibody in their saliva that defends against foreign substances.

3. Happiness combats stress

Stress is not only upsetting on a psychological level but also triggers biological changes in our hormones and blood pressure. Happiness seems to temper these effects, or at least help us recover more quickly. 

In the study mentioned above, where participants rated their happiness more than 30 times in a day, researchers also found associations between happiness and stress. The happiest participants had 23 percent lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol than the least happy, and another indicator of stress—the level of a blood-clotting protein that increases after stress—was 12 times lower.

Happiness also seems to carry benefits even when stress is inevitable. In a 2009 study, some diabolically cruel researchers decided to stress out psychology students and see how they reacted. The students were led to a soundproof chamber, where they first answered questions indicating whether they generally felt 10 feelings like enthusiasm or pride. Then came their worst nightmare: They had to answer an exceedingly difficult statistics question while being videotaped, and they were told that their professor would evaluate their response. Throughout the process, their heart was measured with an electrocardiogram (EKG) machine and a blood pressure monitor. In the wake of such stress, the hearts of the happiest students recovered most quickly.

4. Happy people have fewer aches and pains

Unhappiness can be painful—literally.

2001 study asked participants to rate their recent experience of positive emotions, then (five weeks later) how much they had experienced negative symptoms like muscle strain, dizziness, and heartburn since the study began. People who reported the highest levels of positive emotion at the beginning actually became healthier over the course of the study, and ended up healthier than their unhappy counterparts. The fact that their health improved over five weeks (and the health of the unhappiest participants declined) suggests that the results aren’t merely evidence of people in a good mood giving rosier ratings of their health than people in a bad mood.

2005 study suggests that positive emotion also mitigates pain in the context of disease. Women with arthritis and chronic pain rated themselves weekly on positive emotions like interest, enthusiasm, and inspiration for about three months. Over the course of the study, those with higher ratings overall were less likely to experience increases in pain.

5. Happiness combats disease and disability

Happiness is associated with improvements in more severe, long-term conditions as well, not just shorter-term aches and pains.

In a 2008 study of nearly 10,000 Australians, participants who reported being happy and satisfied with life most or all of the time were about 1.5 times less likely to have long-term health conditions (like chronic pain and serious vision problems) two years later. Another study in the same year found that women with breast cancer recalled being less happy and optimistic before their diagnosis than women without breast cancer, suggesting that happiness and optimism may be protective against the disease.

As adults become elderly, another condition that often afflicts them is frailty, which is characterized by impaired strength, endurance, and balance and puts them at risk of disability and death. In a 2004 study, over 1,550 Mexican Americans ages 65 and older rated how much self-esteem, hope, happiness, and enjoyment they felt over the past week. After seven years, the participants with more positive emotion ratings were less likely to be frail. Some of the same researchers also found that happier elderly people (by the same measure of positive emotion) were less likely to have a stroke in the subsequent six years; this was particularly true for men.

6. Happiness lengthens our lives

In the end, the ultimate health indicator might be longevity—and here, especially, happiness comes into play. In perhaps the most famous study of happiness and longevity, the life expectancy of Catholic nuns was linked to the amount of positive emotion they expressed in an autobiographical essay they wrote upon entering their convent decades earlier, typically in their 20s. Researchers combed through these writing samples for expressions of feelings like amusement, contentment, gratitude, and love. In the end, the happiest-seeming nuns lived a whopping 7-10 years longer than the least happy.

You don’t have to be a nun to experience the life-extending benefits of happiness, though. In a 2011 study, almost 4,000 English adults ages 52-79 reported how happy, excited, and content they were multiple times in a single day. Here, happier people were 35 percent less likely to die over the course of about five years than their unhappier counterparts.

These two studies both measured specific positive emotions, but overall satisfaction with one’s life—another major indicator of happiness—is also linked to longevity. A 2010 study followed almost 7,000 people from California’s Alameda County for nearly three decades, finding that the people who were more satisfied with life at the beginning were less likely to die during the course of the study.

While happiness can lengthen our lives, it can’t perform miracles. There’s some evidence that the link between happiness and longevity doesn’t extend to the ill—or at least not to the very ill.

2005 meta-analysis, aggregating the results of other studies on health and happiness, speculates that experiencing positive emotion is helpful in diseases with a long timeline but could actually be harmful in late-stage disease. The authors cite studies showing that positive emotion lowers the risk of death in people with diabetes and AIDS, but actually increases the risk in people with metastatic breast cancer, early-stage melanoma, and end-stage kidney disease. That increased risk might be due to the fact that happier people underreport their symptoms and don’t get the right treatment, or take worse care of themselves because they are overly optimistic.

As the science of happiness and health matures, researchers are trying to determine what role, if any, happiness actually plays in causing health benefits. They’re also trying to distinguish the effects of different forms of happiness (including positive emotions and life satisfaction), the effects of “extreme” happiness, and other factors. For example, a new study suggests that we should look not just at life satisfaction levels but life satisfaction variability: Researchers found that low life satisfaction with lots of fluctuations—i.e., an unstable level of happiness—was linked to even earlier death than low life satisfaction alone.

All that said, the study of the health benefits of happiness is still young. It will take time to figure out the exact mechanisms by which happiness influences health, and how factors like social relationships and exercise fit in. But in the meantime, it seems safe to imagine that a happier you will be healthier, too.


The Interconnection Between Health and Happiness

 Health and happiness are deeply connected. Healthy people tend to be happier, and happy people often live longer. This connection creates a...